
» Clean Water Current Archive

January 29, 2010


NACWA Discusses Stormwater Proposal with EPA, Seeks Members’ Written Comments

NACWA participated in an EPA “listening session” Jan. 28 on the Agency’s planned rulemaking process for a new post-construction stormwater rule.  The Association’s oral comments encouraged EPA to pursue innovative ideas in controlling stormwater flows, but also cautioned the Agency against developing an inflexible, “one-size-fits all” rule that will unfairly burden stormwater utilities.  NACWA reminded EPA officials of the current economic realities facing local governments across the country and warned against any new, far-reaching regulatory proposals for stormwater that would further burden them at a time when municipal budgets are already stretched to the breaking point.  NACWA made clear that the Association is interested in working with EPA to craft the new rule to ensure that the expertise and opinions of stormwater utilities are heard during the development process.  NACWA also encouraged EPA to include the use of green infrastructure as an option for communities to consider when developing stormwater management programs.

The Jan. 28 event was the last of five “listening sessions” scheduled by EPA across the country to discuss a Dec. 28, 2009 Federal Register noticeicon-pdf announcing the Agency’s intent to initiate a rulemaking process for a national stormwater rule.  The notice asks for stakeholders to submit information on existing stormwater control practices to aid the Agency in evaluating the effectiveness of current practices.   It also provides information on EPA’s five preliminary considerations for modifying or supplementing EPA’s stormwater regulations and requests stakeholder comment on these considerations.

 NACWA will be filing written comments in response to the notice and requests member input in formulating the Association’s submission.  NACWA encourages all members that may be affected by new stormwater regulations to review the EPA notice and submit any written comments to the agency while also forwarding them to Keith Jones, NACWA’s General Counsel, at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by February 19.  This is likely to be the last time EPA will accept public comments prior to actually drafting the rule, making this member comment effort extremely critical.  Further information on EPA’s stormwater rulemaking effort is available on the EPA website.


President Urges Passage of Jobs Bill in State of the Union; NACWA Focuses on Senate

During his first State of the Union Address President Barack Obama outlined his priorities, with the passage of a jobs bill by Congress at the top of the list.  In his remarks, the President urged the Senate to swiftly pass a jobs bill containing tax relief, infrastructure investment, and other programs that will create jobs as quickly as possible.  

NACWA has been working to ensure the inclusion of water infrastructure in a jobs bill since November.  Currently, we are working with the offices of Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) to build support in the Senate for a package that would include $3 billion in funds for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), as well as $3 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF).  In support of this effort, NACWA recently circulated Advocacy Alert 10-03, asking members to contact their Senators and urge them to sign the “Dear Colleague” letter.  These efforts have led to 10 additional Senators having added their names to the Dear Colleague letter: Sanders (I-Vt.),  Brown (D-Ohio), Kerry (D-Mass.), Stabenow (D-Mo.), Wyden (D-Ore.), Landrieu (D-La.), Levin (D-Mich.), Kaufman (D-Del.), Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and Reed (D-R.I.).

In related news, these efforts are getting a boost from a recent study by the Milken Institute titled Jobs for Americaicon-pdf.  This report broadly assesses different investments being contemplated to stimulate the economy and create jobs.  The report finds that infrastructure investment is at the top of the list of options, while also finding that, among infrastructure sectors, water and wastewater infrastructure is a highly effective option.

For more information on our efforts related to the jobs bill please don’t hesitate to contact Pat Sinicropi at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or John Krohn at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 202-833-2672.


NACWA Provides Input into Workshop Exploring Energy from Wastewater

NACWA provided input at a workshop held by the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) to gather ideas and information about producing energy from wastewater, which will be a new targeted funding area for the agency.   ARPA-E will have a three-year funding program for technology research and development with the goal of radically improving net energy extraction and clean water from wastewater.  ARPA-E sought feedback on the most promising opportunities and the optimal structure for the program during the workshop.  Topics of discussion included the science and technology that need to be developed, metrics for new technologies, barriers to testing and implementing new technologies, and incentives needed for implementation.  Participants included academics, utilities, water and wastewater utility associations, state and federal agencies, and consultants.   The result of the workshop will be the request for proposals, which is scheduled for release on March 1, and a workshop summary document that will be posted on the DOE website.  NACWA will keep members informed about any opportunities for utilities to test or implement new technologies developed with the ARPA-E program, and on other new developments in the energy from wastewater area. 


NACWA wishes all of its members traveling to Austin for the upcoming Winter Conference safe travels.  We look forward to seeing you there!