ARCHIVE SITE - Last updated Jan. 19, 2017. Please visit for the latest NACWA information.

To: Members & Affiliates,
Legislative Policy Committee, Clean Water Funding Task Force
From: National Office
Date: December 17, 2008
Reference: LA 08-7


NACWA continues its aggressive work to broaden support in Congress for significant wastewater infrastructure funding in the economic recovery package.  NACWA strongly encourages its public agencies to contact their members of Congress to urge support for this proposal.  President-Elect Barack Obama has called for an economic spending package to create 2.5 million jobs over the next two years.  House and Senate leaders are working to deliver a bill that could exceed $500 billion to the White House by Jan. 20, when the new president takes office.  NACWA is proposing that a minimum of $10 billion in grants for ready to go wastewater infrastructure projects be included in the recovery package.



Public Agency Members Urged to Contact Members of Congress

NACWA’s vital efforts to broaden support in Congress for a $10 billion grant component received a significant boost Dec. 11 when Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, said he supports grants as an effective form of financing water and wastewater infrastructure projects.  Dicks made his comments at a House Appropriations Committee Hearing on the economic recovery package.  Meanwhile, NACWA continues to meet with key congressional staff and representatives from other interested organizations, including the U.S. Conference of Mayors, to ensure funding for wastewater projects are part of the economic stimulus package.  NACWA’s  request is based, in part, on its list of more than $9 billion in identified, ready-to-go projects generated from public agencies across the country, and is consistent with the mayors’ figure of $18.75 billion for both water and wastewater projects.

NACWA public agency members are being asked to contact their members of Congress to urge them to support our request that $10 billion in grants per year for ready-to-go wastewater infrastructure projects be included in the economic recovery package.  We are also asking members to share their list of local, ready-to-go infrastructure projects with their members of Congress as well as with NACWA so that we can demonstrate the overall need for this investment.  A sample letter that you can use to contact your Member of Congress is on the NACWA website.  The Association also encourages you to set up meetings with members of your Congressional delegation while they are home during the Congressional recess.



NACWA Recommends Members Apply for CWSRF Funds

NACWA also continues to encourage members to get their projects on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) priority lists and intended use plans, since this remains the most likely mechanism for the distribution of stimulus package funding.  It is imperative that members of Congress hear from their constituents about the critical importance of including wastewater infrastructure in the recovery package.  We expect a stimulus package to be ready Congressional approval after President-Elect Obama assumes office on January 20, 2009 – so time is of the essence!



NACWA Seeks Ready-To-Go Green Infrastructure Projects

NACWA also continues to work with representatives from American Rivers and other key advocacy groups in support of inclusion of a set-aside within the stimulus package for green infrastructure projects.  This would include those projects that optimize water conservation and reuse; incorporate low-impact, stormwater management techniques that preserve, restore, or mimic natural hydrology; and advance energy capture and reuse.  NACWA has identified over $1 billion in ready-to-go green infrastructure projects and is seeking additional member input for green infrastructure projects that could be ready-to-go within 120 days.  These projects are a critical component of the package and will help advance the goal of maximize funding for clean water infrastructure projects more broadly.  Members can contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by email or at (202) 833-4655 to provide updates to this or the broader ready-to-go projects list as well as to discuss what they are hearing from their Representatives and Senators.


Next Steps for NACWA Member Participation


  • NACWA encourages your use of the Association’s Write Congress Now feature on the NACWA homepage to send letters to your Representatives and Senators urging support for a stimulus package with a significant wastewater funding component.  This letter can also be personalized and printed on your agency’s letterhead;
  • NACWA continues to ask its members to share their list of local, ready-to-go infrastructure projects with their members of Congress and with NACWA so that we can continue to demonstrate the overall need for this investment;
  • NACWA encourages you to set up meetings with members of your Congressional delegation while they are home during the Congressional recess; and
  • NACWA encourage members to get their projects on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) priority lists and intended use plans, since this remains the most likely mechanism for the distribution of stimulus package funding.