NACWA Events App


Download the NACWA Events App Today!

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NACWA’s Meeting App: NACWA Events

The App is available for the most popular Apple and Android devices.  With the app at your fingertips you can:

  • Browse the schedule;
  • Create your own schedule;
  • Add your own appointments;
  • Sync your schedule across multiple devices;
  • Access speaker handouts and presentations;
  • Receive conference notifications; and more.

The app is also connected to our private online networking tool, NACWA Engage™, so you can connect to your clean water colleagues and stay in touch post-conference.

App Support

NACWA staff are on-site to provide hands-on app support, but should you need assistance prior to the Conference, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

You can also take a tour pdf button of the NACWA Events app.


  1. Is the NACWA Events App free?
    The NACWA’s Event App is free to download through iTunes or Google Play.
  2. How long should it take for App installation/configuration?
    If your installation is taking too long, give it a few extra minutes, and make sure you are on a speedy Wi-Fi connection. If you still have trouble, seek out a NACWA staff member who can help you with any issues.
  3. How do I sync my NACWA Events App across devices AFTER installation?
    Initially, you would turn on syncing on the Settings page, then reply to an email to authorize sync. If you skipped this step during installation, go to More > Event Details > Settings, then hit the Refresh ↻ button at the bottom of the page.
  4. What if I downloaded the App for NACWA’s Law Seminar?  Do I need to download it again?
    No need to download the App again.  Simply touch “More” on the Event Dashboard and you will see “Change Event” up in the top left hand side of your screen.  You will then be directed to a new screen where you can choose a new event.
  5. My device is not supported. Is there another way to access App content?
    Yes! Some older devices may not support the new NACWA Events App. You can access all NACWA Events App features using a web browser.
  6. How do I find session handouts in the NACWA Events App?
    If the speaker or panel has provided materials for your sessions, you will find them listed in the specific session details in your agenda, below the speaker name(s) under "Resources". If you are using the app on your phone, click your phone's share/send button to open the documents in a browser, if you are using a tablet or the website, the resource should open once you have clicked or tapped on it.
  7. Can I use the same App for other NACWA meetings?
    Yes!  We expect to us the App for all future NACWA conferences – so no need to delete the app when the meeting is over – the app will live on for the next meeting.