
» Clean Water Current Archive

October 5, 2012


NACWA, Municipal Partners Represented at Oral Arguments in Chesapeake Bay TMDL Litigation

A federal court in Pennsylvania heard arguments Oct. 4 in a legal challenge to EPA’s total maximum daily load (TMDL) for the Chesapeake Bay, with NACWA and its municipal association partners from Maryland and Virginia participating in the proceedings and arguing in favor of a holistic watershed approach to improving water quality.  Nearly five hours of argument were held by the court in American Farm Bureau, et al. v. EPA, which is a challenge by agricultural interests to EPA’s inclusion of nonpoint sources as part of the final Bay TMDL.

NACWA, the Maryland Association of Municipal Wastewater Agencies (MAMWA), and the Virginia Association of Municipal Wastewater Agencies (VAMWA) jointly intervened in the litigation last year to represent the municipal clean water community – and were active participants during this week’s oral arguments.   During the hearing, it was clear the presiding judge was well-versed in the issues underlying the case.  She questioned attorneys on all sides regarding key legal points, but seemed especially skeptical of some arguments advanced by the agricultural plaintiffs.  She also expressed concern about the practical impacts on municipal point source dischargers if the nonpoint source allocations under the TMDL were invalidated, echoing a central theme of the NACWA briefs.

NACWA and its municipal partners have filed multiple briefs icon-pdf in the case, reiterating the Association’s support for inclusion of all sources of water quality impairment in the final TMDL allocations.  The briefs argue that the holistic, watershed approach embodied in the final TMDL, including allocation for nonpoint agricultural sources, provides the greatest potential for equitably, cost-effectively, and successfully restoring the tens of thousands of water bodies nationwide that are affected by excessive pollutant loads.  Additionally, NACWA and its partners highlighted the significant investments municipal clean water utilities have made and their achievements in improving water quality in the Chesapeake Bay, particularly with regard to nutrient impairments.  

Additional information on the case is available on NACWA’s Litigation Tracking page.  A decision from the court is possible within the next few months.  NACWA will keep the membership updated on developments.

New NGO Lawsuit Filed to Challenge Chesapeake Bay Trading Program

In a related development, environmental activist groups filed a new federal lawsuit icon-pdf Oct. 3 challenging the water quality trading program in the final Chesapeake Bay TMDL.  The lawsuit alleges that all trading programs are illegal under the Clean Water Act, including trades between point sources as well as those between point and non-point dischargers.  It would impact trading programs involving wastewater treatment plants as well as stormwater sources, and has potential implications not just for the Chesapeake Bay region but for all water quality trading efforts nationally.  NACWA is currently reviewing the case, consulting with its regional partners and members in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and evaluating an appropriate response to ensure the national interests of the clean water community are aggressively represented as the litigation moves forward.  Additional information will be provided to NACWA members as developments unfold.

WEF/NACWA Utility Leaders Morning at WEFTEC a Big Success

The NACWA and Water Environment Federation (WEF) Utility Leaders Morning during WEFTEC 2012 in New Orleans drew large numbers and received high marks from NACWA and WEF members alike.  The first-time collaboration between NACWA and WEF at WEFTEC devoted an entire morning to utility leaders and the issues they face.  The Hot Topics Breakfast kicked off the morning with an opportunity to discuss key water policy issues with EPA staff.  Following the breakfast, the Utility Executives Forum featured presentations from utility leaders and discussion on the opportunities for transformational change for water utilities and the sector broadly.

Office of Water, Enforcement Staff Highlight Key Issues During Hot Topics Breakfast

More than 80 NACWA members and invited guests participated in the Hot Topics Breakfast and dialogue with EPA.  Nancy Stoner, Acting Assistant Administrator for Water, kicked off the EPA presentations by outlining the importance of four key issues that she believes will continue to put pressure on the water quality gains made to date – population growth; development; nutrients; and, climate change/adaptation strategies.  Stoner stressed the importance of innovation in making continued progress on improving water quality and highlighted the positive impact the water industry has on the U.S. and global economies.  Stoner’s remarks were followed by presentations from three Office of Water Directors – Betsy Southerland, Director, Office of Science & Technology; Denise Keehner, Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans & Watersheds; and Randy Hill, Acting Director, Office of Wastewater Management – who provided updates on key initiatives in each of their offices.  Loren Denton, chief of the Municipal Enforcement Branch in the Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance’s Water Enforcement Division reiterated his office’s focus on addressing wet weather flows and stressed that there are ongoing efforts to ensure consistency among the EPA regions and reduce antagonism during enforcement negotiations with municipalities. 

Both Hill and Denton discussed in detail the Agency’s integrated planning framework and how they have turned their focus to implementation.  With the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act’s passage only weeks away, a passionate discussion took place that was focused on the flexibility afforded to clean water utilities through the integrated planning framework and whether broader, more substantive efforts – including potential changes to the Clean Water Act – would ultimately be needed.

Utility Executives Forum Focuses on the “Utility of the Future” and Transformational Leadership

George Hawkins, General Manager, DC Water; Tony Parrott, Executive Director, Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati; David St. Pierre, Executive Director, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago; and, Karen Pallansch, CEO, Alexandria Renew Enterprises – all NACWA Board Members – offered up detailed  accounts of how their utilities are positioning themselves for the future.  The themes from this session included: the importance of community outreach and branding; green infrastructure and approaches that can be seen and touched by their customers; the importance of flexibility and ensuring the maximum bang for the ratepayer dollar; and the need for an increasingly collaborative model between the utility, the regulators and the NGO community. 

NACWA appreciates the opportunity to work collaboratively with WEF and looks forward to building on this success next year at WEFTEC in Chicago.

NACWA, WEF, ACWA to Host Event for Clean Water Act’s 40th Anniversary

NACWA, the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) are jointly hosting an event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act (CWA).  The event is scheduled for Monday, October 15, 2012, 12:00 - 2:00pm EST at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  Speakers at the event will include Ellen Gillinsky, senior policy advisor for the Office of Water at EPA; Ken Kirk, Executive Director of NACWA; Jeff Eger, Executive Director of WEF; Alexandra Dunn, Executive Director and General Counsel of ACWA; George Hawkins, General Manager of DC Water; Karen Pallansch, General Manager of Alexandria Renew Enterprises; and Jerry Johnson, General Manager of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.  State representatives have also been invited to participate.  Speakers will highlight how the CWA has led to vastly improved water quality, and community and economic vitality in the United States and will outline a vision for what is needed to build on these gains in the decades to come.  NACWA has been asked to speak at several other local 40th anniversary events, including one being organized by the Clean Water Network and another by the Chesapeake Water Environment Association.  NACWA Members interested in attending the October 15 press event, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

True Environmentalists
Apply for NACWA’s National Environmental Achievement Awards

When we think of environmentalists we think of our members.  The National Environmental Achievement Awards celebrates NACWA public agency members and their local, state and federal elected/appointed officials for the positive impact they have on the environment, their utility and their community.  Member utilities are encouraged to submit nominations in both the individual and agency categories for the exceptional advocacy efforts or unique and creative projects that demonstrate a strong commitment to clean and safe water and a healthy, sustainable environment.  Applications are due on Friday, October 19 and additional information can be found on the NACWA Website.  Contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Director of Membership Development should you have any questions or need additional information.

Unlock your Leadership Potential at the Water & Wastewater Leadership Center

The Water & Wastewater Leadership Center is the premiere executive management leadership program for the water sector.  Held in conjunction with the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, this intensive 11-day program focuses on leadership development, strategic thinking, and effective management practices.  The Leadership Center prepares utility executives with the management and leadership skills they need to meet the challenges of today’s water quality issues – and customers’ current and future demands with the highest level of service and efficiency.  Key course elements include unlimited peer networking, a 360 degree personal leadership assessment, preparation of an individual action plan and experiential learning through change management simulations.

The 2013 Water & Wastewater Leadership Center will be held February 24 – March 8, 2013.  Class sizes are limited to ensure an intimate and personalized learning environment and potential students are encouraged to apply early.  Applications are due Friday, October 26, 2012. For additional information visit the NACWA website or contact Program Manager, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Make Your Plans to Join Us for the 2012 Law Seminar

Join us November 14 -16 at the Westin Seattle for NACWA’s 2012 Developments in Clean Water Law seminar.  NACWA's Law Seminar is the only conference of its kind focused specifically on the legal and regulatory challenges facing the municipal clean water community, and this year's Seminar promises to deliver a timely and informative program covering the hottest issues in clean water law.  The topics covered at the Seminar will span the range of legal and regulatory issues impacting the clean water utilities, with some of the top clean water attorneys in the country providing valuable analysis and insights that will be relevant to any attorney or public agency manager working on municipal wastewater and stormwater issues.

Registration information and an updated Seminar agenda icon-pdf are available, along with details on Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits available for Seminar participants.  The hotel registration deadline is October 23, so hurry and make your plans today!