
Celebrating the Achievements of our Members

NACWA’s Awards programs annually recognize excellence in the field of management, wastewater treatment, and contributions to water quality and the environment.  NACWA’s three programs uniquely honor the contributions of member agencies and individuals to their local communities; to the clean water industry; and to the environment.  This year’s winners embody dedicated utility leadership, inspiring initiatives, and a successful year of wastewater treatment compliance.

The Excellence in Management Program validates the significant achievements of NACWA member agencies in the area of utility management.  The program’s prestige is exemplified by the top level acts and programs initiated by cutting edge utilities exhibiting stream-lined improvements in management efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery during the three-year period.  Four Agencies were recognized as leaders in the management arena, and impressively, all of them second time recipients of the award. 

NACWA’s National Environmental Achievement Awards recognize individuals and agencies that have made extraordinary positive impacts on water quality and the environment.  This year, NACWA agency award winners displayed proactive environmental solutions, as seen in the quality of submissions in the categories of research and technology, operations and public information and education.  Each agency winner demonstrated inspired creativity through their industrious use of finite resources, and their staff’s dedication to quality.  This year’s individual winners varied from persons at the federal level and local level, dedicated Agency staff individuals, and NACWA advocates and partners. 

NACWA was pleased to award 455 member agency treatment plants with Peak Performance Awards.  The Peak Performance Award program, which recognizes facilities for their excellence in compliance with their National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, saw its most successful year in the program’s history- hundreds of successful plants were able to either fully comply or comply within five or less violations with their permit requirements.  More plants were eligible for Platinum status than ever-with 118 facilities achieving five or more consecutive years of perfect NPDES compliance- again demonstrating NACWA member agencies’ unmatched dedication to water quality and the environment.       

A complete listing of NACWA award winners in each of the three award categories is available on the awards page of the website.