

NACWA's 2012 National Environmental
Policy Forum

April 22 - 25, 2012
Washington Marriott
, Washington, D.C.

2012 National Environmental Policy Forum

NACWA’s 2012 National Environmental Policy Forum is well-timed as the 2012 campaign season will be in full-swing. With our Nation’s environment being one of the key campaign issues, clean water issues — including integrated planning and affordability, controlling agricultural run-off, opening renewable energy markets for wastewater utilities, and innovative financing for clean water investments are receiving a lot of attention. Policy Forum panelists and speakers will discuss these and other issues, providing attendees with a level of detail and insight only available at the Forum.  In addition to a program focused on critical issues with current information, the Forum will include opportunities for networking and discussion with other industry representatives, Congressional staff and members of Congress. The Technical Roundtable Breakfast will feature key policy makers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies as breakout session leaders on specific c clean water issues, and the Future of the Clean Water Utility Roundtable will provide a unique occasion for top utility leaders to explore priority issues. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about current and emerging legislative, legal, and regulatory issues being considered by our Nation’s leaders today that will impact clean water utilities tomorrow.