ARCHIVE SITE - Last updated Jan. 19, 2017. Please visit for the latest NACWA information.

Member Pipeline

Litigation Tracking


Legal advocacy is a central component of NACWA’s mission to advance national clean water advocacy goals on behalf of NACWA Member Agencies.  NACWA participates in litigation nationwide to protect the legal rights of Association members, ensure the national perspective of the municipal clean water community is aggressively represented, and advocate for the establishment of sound legal precedent in clean water matters.  NACWA litigates in both federal and state courts in a variety of roles, including as a petitioner, intervenor, and amicus curiae.  Please click on the names of the cases below to get more detailed information and analysis on the litigation and NACWA’s participation, as well as access relevant court filings.

For a condensed overview of all active NACWA litigation, see the Litigation Tracking Spreadsheet alt.  Refer to the Clean Water Acronym/Abbreviation List  icon-pdf for abbreviations that appear in the spreadsheet or are commonly used in clean water litigation.

Active Cases

Last Updated: January 10, 2017

NPDES Permit Issues


Water Transfers


Water Quality Criteria/Standards


Recently Completed Cases


Air Quality/Climate Change Issues




Consent Decrees


MS4 Permits/Fees


NPDES Permit Issues




Water Transfers


Water Quality Criteria/Standards



Completed cases are available here!



Legal Resource

Consent Decree e-Library key

Targeted Action Fund

Upcoming Events

Winter Conference
Next Generation Compliance …Where Affordability & Innovation Intersect
February 4 – 7, 2017
Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel
Tampa, FL