ARCHIVE SITE - Last updated Jan. 19, 2017. Please visit for the latest NACWA information.


2016 Water Resources Development Act Resources


The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) is an important piece of legislation that is traditionally passed every two years to authorize U.S. Army Corps of Engineers activities for flood control, navigation, and ecosystem restoration. Prior years' WRDA bills have also included provisions addressing water infrastructure policy and financing. This year, the Senate WRDA bill is particularly comprehensive and includes provisions addressing affordability, integrated planning, green infrastructure for stormwater management, municipal engagement with USEPA, and more which could benefit clean water utilities. Meanwhile the House WRDA package includes a provision supported by NACWA to improve collaboration between entities of local government and the U.S. Army Corps at the nexus of flood control and stormwater management and reuse. WRDA presents a strong opportunity to advance long-term clean water priorities and NACWA is advocating strongly for its passage with key clean water provisions included.

This page provides member resources regarding the 2016 Water Resources Development Act and outreach to Members of Congress. Please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , NACWA's Manager, Legislative Affairs, for more information. Documents are posted in PDF icon-pdf unless otherwise noted.

Latest on WRDA: October-November 2016

Letters Submitted to Congress Urging Reconciliation (November 2016)

Background Information

Letters Submitted to Congress Urging Senate Passage (Summer 2016)

  • NACWA-led National Associations letter to Senate leadership
  • Letter from 30 Senate Republicans to Leadership requesting floor consideration of WRDA
  • NACWA-led National Associations letter to House leadership
  • Water Investment Network letter in support
  • State Letters Sent utilities and state associations:
    Kentucky, to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
    Texas, to Senate Assistant Majority Leader John Cornyn (R-TX)
    Florida, FWEA Utility Council to Senator Rubio (R-FL)
    Ohio, to Senators Portman (R-OH) and Brown (D-OH)
    Ohio, AOMWA to Senator Portman (R-OH)
    Ohio, OWEA to Senator Portman (R-OH)
    Iowa, to Senator Grassley (R-IA)
    Iowa, to Senator Ernst (R-IA)
    Kansas, to Senators Roberts (R-KS) and Moran (R-KS)
    Kansas, to Senator Roberts (R-KS)
    Kansas, to Senator Moran (R-KS)
    Wisconsin, to Senator Johnson (R-WI)
    Michigan, to Senator Stabenow (D-MI)
    New Hampshire
    Additional letters have been sent from other individual utilities and state associations.



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