2012 Law Seminar Green Meeting
Protecting our shared environment and the planet is of fundamental importance to the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and its members. To support this common goal, the Association and the Westin Seattle, are working together to make sure that the 2012 Developments in Clean Water Law Seminar is an environmentally friendly experience by:
Meeting Materials
- NACWA has significantly reduced printed materials for conferences, and print only what is necessary to the success of the conference.
- Materials that are printed for our meetings are printed on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper that is made with a minimum of 10% post consumer waste, and printed with environmentally friendly inks.
- NACWA lanyards are made from 100% post consumer plastic, mostly plastic bottles.
Recycling of Materials
- Recycling paper and co-mingle bins will be provided in meeting rooms and at breaks.
- Following the conclusion of the meeting, be sure to stop by NACWA’s registration desk to drop off your badge and lanyard – NACWA strives to recycle as many meeting materials as possible.
Other NACWA Meeting Policies
- NACWA offers only tap water at our conferences; so that we can all enjoy the product of our member’s labors and reduce waste.
Westin Seattle Environmental Policies
- Office and copy paper is of 100% recycled content.
- The kitchens use water saving spray nozzles on the pre-rinse hoses and low consumption dish machines for banquets, room service and the Coldwater Bar & Grill.
- The Hotel’s recycling program includes paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, light bulb ballasts, light bulbs, batteries and kitchen grease. It also composts food waste.
- Recycling bins for plastic bottles, paper and aluminum cans are available in all guest rooms.
- All exit signs used LED technology and low VOC paints and coatings have been used throughout the hotel, wherever possible.
- The hotel encourages the use of water dispensers in meeting rooms rather than bottled water.
- A Green Linen Program is practiced in the hotel, allowing guests to reuse their towels and linens based on their preference.
- The Hotel captures and reuses all condensate from steam before any of it goes to waste. The heat waste in the process is used to preheat water for potable use and air scrubbing kitchen exhaust.
- Laundry is washed in cold water using ozone to reduce the demand for carbon fuels for heating water, and reducing chemical waste. The water is then recovered from this process, filtered and sanitized before using 75% of it for linen washing
- There is energy efficient fluorescent lighting in all service and back of the house areas as well as low wattage high output halogen lighting in the lobby. Where occupancy allows, there are is lighting timers based on motion detection in the house areas.
- The Banquet service has eliminated all Styrofoam use and also no longer serves any threatened species on the hotel menus.
- Bathroom fixtures in the Hotel have water efficient aerators in all taps or showerheads and 1.6 gallon flush toilets.