ARCHIVE SITE - Last updated Jan. 19, 2017. Please visit for the latest NACWA information.


Toilets Are Not Trashcans Campaign



NACWA's Toilets Are Not Trashcans campaign is focused on protecting the pipes, pumps, plants, and personnel of wastewater utilities across the nation by reducing the materials that are inappropriately flushed or drained into the sewer system.  Products such as wipes, paper towels, feminine hygiene products should not be flushed but often are, causing expensive problems for utilities.  Other consumer products contain ingredients, such as plastic microbeads and triclosan, may harm water quality and the environment.  FOG (fats, oils, and greases) and unused pharmaceuticals should also be kept out of the sewer system.

NACWA is working collaboratively with  other associations and groups to find common ground and safe solutions for both utilities and the environment.  The Association is advocating for elimination of harmful products and ingredients when possible and education of the public about proper disposal practices.  In addition, the Association is working with its members and other partners to create and support programs that continue to bring this vital issue to the forefront.

Utilities across the country are looking to educate their ratepayers on the appropriate disposal of these products and the NACWA Toilets Are Not Trashcans logo seen above may be used free of charge on any consumer education materials.  Please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to download this logo.  If you would like more information about the Toilets Are Not Trashcans campaign, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


What's New

  • The Federal Trade Commission recently finalized a consent order on with a manufacturer of "flushable" wipes that were not really flushable.  Read about this NACWA's The Water Voice
  • NACWA is working with the wipes industry and other wastewater associations on updating flushability guidelines to ensure that wipes labeled "flushable" are truly safe to flush. 
  • A segment on The Dr. Oz Show (part 1 external.linkpart 2 focusing on flushable wipes aired on September 9, 2014.  The segment featured Dr. Oz's visit to a treatment plant of NACWA member agency the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to learn more about the problems wipes cause for wastewater utilities.  The segment also includes Cynthia Finley, NACWA's Director of Regulatory Affairs, as an in-studio guest on the show. 


Wipes Resources

    See the Pretreatment page and Emerging Contaminants page for more information on microbeads, pharmaceuticals, triclosan, and pesticides.


    Upcoming Events

    Winter Conference
    Next Generation Compliance …Where Affordability & Innovation Intersect
    February 4 – 7, 2017
    Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel
    Tampa, FL