
» Clean Water Current Archive

January 28, 2011


NACWA Ramps up Advocacy in 112th Congress on Federal Clean Water Funding

President Barack Obama this week emphasized rebuilding America in his second State of the Union address and called for renewed investments in the aging infrastructure systems that sustain economic growth and competitiveness, and serve as engines for American jobs.  NACWA utilized the President’s speech to kick off our efforts on behalf of a stronger federal partnership and increased federal resources to meet the goals of the Clean Water Act – and spur economic growth.  Immediately following the President’s remarks, NACWA issued a strong press release urging the President to include clean water infrastructure investment in this discussion and to increase federal leadership and support for clean water investments.

As the press release states, “The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) applauds the President for his leadership on the issue of renewing America’s commitment to infrastructure investment but is disappointed that the President did not include mention of the need to recommit to investing in our water and wastewater infrastructure.  America’s communities face a $500 billion need in clean water and drinking water infrastructure investments and federal leadership and support for greater investment in this infrastructure is essential if we expect our economy to thrive.”

Building off of this momentum, NACWA has also begun to distribute a letter icon-pdf urging the 112th Congress to provide more robust funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), beginning with supporting the President’s $2.1 billion fiscal year 2011 budget request, and making a strong case for the economic benefits of water infrastructure spending.  The letter is being circulated to all members of Congress and their staff. 

NACWA and the Water Infrastructure Network (WIN) are also working together to ensure that key Members of Congress are working on similar letters to the President. As an example, Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) sent just such a letter icon-pdf echoing NACWA’s funding message this week.  NACWA will also hold a new member briefing on Capitol Hill on February 10 to brief new members and their staff on the history and goals of the Clean Water Act, its regulatory structure, and the challenges — including in the financial and funding arena — that clean water agencies are currently currently experiencing.


NACWA and Food & Water Watch Launch Triclosan Survey

NACWA requests that its public agency members complete a short, anonymous survey that it is conducting with Food & Water Watch (FWW).  Triclosan is a popular antimicrobial pesticide used in consumer products including soaps, detergents, cleaning products, and toothpaste, but may have adverse human health and environmental impacts, and it is often found in biosolids.  FWW plans to use the results of this survey to highlight the need for a precautionary approach, namely a ban on the non-medical uses of triclosan, and will include the survey results in a report that it will use to advocate for this ban.  FWW is planning a congressional briefing on triclosan in February.  Introduction of a triclosan ban bill is expected later this year.  NACWA may also use the report in its advocacy efforts and in its ongoing National Dialogue on Safe and Sustainable Consumer Products, which seeks to keep pollutants out of the sewer system rather than requiring clean water agencies to remove them. 

NACWA requests that member utilities complete the voluntary online survey by Friday, February 18.  We ask that each utility only submit one response to the survey.  The survey consists of 16 yes/no type questions, with an opportunity to explain some answers and provide additional comments.  Members with questions about the survey should contact Cynthia Finley at 202/296-9836 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Coalition, NACWA Urge Federal Funding for USGS Cooperative Water Program

NACWA this week lent its support to a coalition letter icon-pdf seeking full funding for the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Cooperative Water Program (CWP). The program funds the National Streamflow Information Program, which is critical to determining the health of the nation’s water resources.  NACWA joined over 50 other organizations in supporting the letter, which will be sent to the Chairman, Ranking Members, and individual members of the House and Senate Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittees.

The program’s proven and reliable scientific data supports critical functions such as forecasting storm surge, flood, and drought conditions; protecting water quality, fisheries, wetlands, and endangered species; and projecting future water needs and availability for agricultural, municipal and industrial uses.  NACWA will continue to support this program throughout the appropriations process.


NACWA Participates in EPA Research Planning Workshop Focused on Holistic Approaches to Clean Water, Drinking Water

NACWA and representatives from several of its member agencies participated in a workshop this week hosted by EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) on the Safe and Sustainable Water Resource (SSWR) research program that it is planning.  During the meeting, EPA provided information about the SSWR program and asked for stakeholder input on the goals, objectives, and themes of the research that will be conducted.  The overall goal of the SSWR is to integrate the existing drinking water and water quality research programs into one holistic program that maximizes responsiveness to the needs of the EPA Office of Water and its critical water resource partners and stakeholders. 

With the program, EPA hopes to promote innovation and find sustainable, holistic solutions to water quantity, water quality, and other ecosystem problems.  NACWA and its member agencies – including the Hampton Roads Sanitation District, the Philadelphia Water Department, and DC Water – had many suggestions for ORD to use in redefining its goals and research themes for the SSWR research program.  One of the major themes for research was to ensure the holistic protection and restoration of watersheds.  NACWA and its members participated in a thorough discussion about this theme and the types of research that could help advance this goal.

ORD plans to take the input that it received at the workshop and produce an updated draft of the research plan.  NACWA will continue to work with ORD on the SSWR research program and will keep members informed of any new plans or projects related to this research. 


NACWA wishes all of its members traveling to our Winter Conference a safe trip. We look forward to seeing you next week in Florida, discussing the many wet weather issues facing the clean water community, and advancing our advocacy efforts through productive committee discussions.