Page 10 - NACWA YAAG

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Energy Recovery & the Water
Resources Utility of the Future
NACWA continued its aggressive
legal advocacy efforts against the
U. S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA) new sewage sludge
incinerator (SSI) rule – which
threatens the ability of utilities to
pursue innovative energy produc-
tion and recovery projects with
their SSI units. NACWA’s brief in
the litigation challenges the legal
and technical basis for the SSI rule
and asks the court to overturn it.
NACWA continued its active engage-
ment in regulatory developments
related to EPA’s new emission limits
for SSIs – including the Non-Hazard-
ous Secondary Materials (NHSM)
rule and the Commercial and Indus-
trial Solid Waste Incinerator (CISWI)
rule. The NHSM rule defines sewage
sludge destined for incineration
as a solid waste (NACWA’s legal
challenge of this rule is temporarily
being held in abeyance while EPA
works to revise the rule). NACWA,
together with other impacted stake-
holders, has worked to ensure that
uncontained gases, such as biogas
generated during anaerobic diges-
tion, are not subjected to the more
onerous requirements associated
with burning wastes as a result of
either the CISWI or NHSM rules.
NACWA put forward a brief in
litigation over EPA’s final Green-
house Gas Tailoring Rule, sup-
porting the Agency’s decision to
exempt sources of biogenic carbon
dioxide, like POTWs, from the rule
pending further study. The Associa-
tion’s brief highlighted the unique
nature of biogenic emissions from
the wastewater treatment pro-
cess, and explained how unneces-
sary greenhouse gas regulation of
POTWs could inhibit the develop-
ment of new resource recovery and
energy production projects.
NACWA provided testimony, via a
statement for the record, in conjunc-
tion with a Senate Energy & Natural
Resources Committee hearing on
Senator Jeff Bingaman’s proposed
legislation to establish a National
Clean Energy Standard (CES). The
Association’s statement highlighted
the enormous energy potential
in wastewater and encouraged
Congress to include both biogas
and biomass-based energy produc-
tion in any final legislative package.